Thursday, January 26, 2023

Music Marketing Progress

In my AICE Media Studies class, we have started the Music Marketing project, and our group was assigned throwback songs. We were given three sounds, and out of all the songs we were given, we decided to go with the song Tonight (Feat. Ezra Koenig) by Phoenix, which gave an indie pop genre vibe. With this, we decided to research the company Columbia Records, as they signed different artists with the same genre as the band that we decided to go with. These artists include Vampire Weekend, Declan Mckenna, MARINA, and Vance Joy.

We decided to start our brainstorming with a schedule. It was imperative that our group made a schedule that clearly outlined what we would do daily in class as well as outside of school. We used a Google Doc to get everything in order and make the schedule on there.

Although there were challenges when researching the artists and their marketing strategies due to the fact that they are mostly under the radar and are not fully known in the music industry. However, with careful research, we were able to find marketing and distribution practices that they used. We found different sources that gave us the information that we needed for our research chart. This research chart is used to facilitate the organization of the information that is provided.

We then decided to start planning our music video. We had many ideas, but we went with a storyline video in which a boy falls in love with a deaf girl. We created the storyboard to show the different angles and shots that will be used, as well as the editing techniques of two different frames. This signifies the song since it is a heartbreak song. The video also includes different features that signifies the genre, such as fisheye lens and filters to add the indie pop look.

The next steps that we have done in our research is starting our marketing for our new artist, although this part of the project is still being worked on. We must figure out how to promote our upcoming artists and finding the ways that they can be portrayed in the music industry according to our research and the genre itself. As we continue to work on our project, we have realized that it is a big challenge that this genre is not found in the music charts and is typically found through other forms of media, but makes it easier to use different unique perspectives to market our musician.


To do:

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Finish music research chart 

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

Finish music video storyboard + create/ design presentation -> do blog post at home

Friday, January 27th, 2023

Do presentation/ campaign -> meet after school to film 

Saturday, January 28th, 2023


Sunday, January 29th, 2023

Finish editing 

Tuesday, January 31st 2023

Go over presentation, music video, and campaign to make sure everything is good.

Thursday, February 2nd 2023


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